fabric execution::::: fab -H me@host1,me@host2,me@host3 function
Example: fab -H greg@mmyserver.com get_backupor alternatively:
Example: fab production1 deploy but then you'll have to production1 defined inside your fabfile.pydef production(): env.update(dict( dest='production', hosts=['some_ip_address'], )) def development(): env.update(dict( dest='development', hosts=['localhost'], ))
local - execute a local command means host from which we launch fabric
run - execute a remote command on all specified hosts, user-level permissions
sudo - sudo a command on the remote server)
put - copy over a local file to a remote destination)
get - download a file from the remote server)
prompt - prompt user with text and return the input (like raw_input))
reboot - reboot the remote system, disconnect, and wait for wait seconds)
Download some logs
get(remote_path="/tmp/log_extracts.tar.gz", local_path="/logs/new_log.tar.gz")
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