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fabric - auto deployment script

Recently I wrote fabric deployment scrip maybe someone will find it usefull.

It enables possibility to run "group execute" task with

fab live_servers pull restart

or single host

fab live1 pull

All we need to do is to define group or sinle host as function afterwards I used end update decorator.

I know there could be also something like duplication of tasks with separate servers fab live1 pull live2 pull but I believe that fabric was written for distributed systems which has different paths of apps and users etc.

also roledefs with extra dict keys didn't work for me)? I want to keep this simple single/multiple host deployment commands like : fab live_servers pull, fab test pull

from fabric.api import run, env, local, get, cd
from fabric.tasks import execute
import inspect
import sys
import os
import re
from StringIO import StringIO

# fabfile author: Grzegorz Stencel
# usage:
# run: fab help for examples
# fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,, restart
# fab test svnxlib

    'live': 'master',
    'sit': 'sit',
    'uat': 'uat',

    'local': {
        'envname': 'local',
        'user': 'greg',
        'host': 'localhost',
        'host_string': 'localhost',
        'path': os.environ.get('SITE_ROOT', '/opt/myapp/test'),
        'www_root': 'http://localhost:8081/',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'test': {
        'envname': 'test',
        'user': 'root',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/var/www/myapp/test/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'uat': {
        'envname': 'uat',
        'user': 'myapp',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'key_filename': 'deploy/keys/id_rsa',
        'path': '/opt/myapp/uat/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'sit': {
        'envname': 'sit',
        'user': 'myapp',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'key_filename': 'deploy/keys/id_rsa',
        'path': '/opt/myapp/sit/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'live': {
        'envname': 'live',
        'user': 'myapp',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/opt/myapp/live/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'live2': {
        'envname': 'live2',
        'user': 'root',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/var/www/myapp/live/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'live3': {
        'envname': 'live3',
        'user': 'root',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/var/www/myapp/live/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2


LIVE_HOSTS = ['live', 'live2', 'live3']

def list_hosts():
    Lists available myapp hosts
    print " Single hosts(if you want to pull from svn only to one of them):"
    print '   %s' % '\n   '.join([a for a in SERVERS])
    print " Multiple hosts"
    print '   live (which contains %s)' % ','.join([a for a in LIVE_HOSTS])

def test():
    single host definition , "fab test restart" wil restart this one host


def localhost():
    single host definition , "fab test restart" wil restart this one host


def uat():
    single host definition , "fab uat restart" wil restart this single host


def sit():
    single host


def live():
    multiple grcompany of hosts - running: "fab live restart" will restart all live servers

    env['hosts'] = [SERVERS[a]['host'] for a in LIVE_HOSTS]

    # env.update(dict(SERVERS['staging']))

def env_update(func):
    Decorator - needs to be added to each task in fabricfile - for multiple host task execution

    def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not len(env.hosts):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
            env.update(dict(SERVERS[filter(lambda x: SERVERS[x]['host'] ==, MyApp_SERVERS)[0]]))
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    return func_wrapper

def bundle_media():
    bundles media like css and js to one file.
        fab test bundle_media
    # export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings
    #run("cd {0} && source settings/{1} && python scripts/".format(env.path,env.envname))
   run("source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/ && workon {0} && python scripts/".format("%s-myapp" % env.envname if env.envname<> 'live' else 'MyApp-test')) #change live venv to be live-MyApp

def _valid_branch(env):
    branch = run("cd {0} && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD".format(env.path))
    return branch == SERVER_BRANCHES[env.envname] and not env.envname=='local'

def pull(*args, **kwargs):
    if _valid_branch(env):
        with cd(env.path):
            run("git fetch origin")
            run("git reset --hard origin/%s" % branch)
        print "Error : Server is checked out to wrong branch!!!"

            #run('git fetch --quiet')
            #run('git fetch --tags --quiet')

def reload():
    Reload specified servers - kills unused gunicorn workers but waits workers with old code to finish processing.


    #if env.envname in ('uat', 'staging', 'live'):
    f = StringIO()
    get("/opt/myapp/%s/pid" % env.envname,f)
    pid ='\d+',f.getvalue()).group()
    run("ps aux | grep gunicorn | grep %s | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % env.envname)
    run("kill -HUP %s" % pid)

def restart():
    Hard restarts specified servers

    run("ps aux | grep gunicorn | grep %s | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % env.envname)
    run("supervisorctl stop myapp-%s && supervisorctl start MyApp-%s" % (env.envname,env.envname))
    run("ps aux | grep gunicorn | grep %s | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % env.envname)

def help():
    fabric_functions = ['run', 'execute', 'local', 'func_wrapper']
    functions = set([obj.__name__ if obj.__name__ not in fabric_functions else '' for name, obj in
                     inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]) if inspect.isfunction(obj)])
    print "usage: \n  fab [host/grcompany of hosts] [commands] (optional command with arguments command:kwarg=val,arg1,arg2,arg3)"
    print "\navailable servers:"
    print "\ncommands:\n  %s" % ', '.join([a for a in functions])
    print "\nexamples:\n  staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,, restart"
    print "  fab test restart"
    print "  fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,lib/,,"
    print "  fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,lib/ restart"
    print "  fab test build"
    print "  fab test bundle_media restart"
    print " For svnx whole app (comma in the end):"
    print "  fab test svnxapp:app=medrep,"
    print " For global lib:"
    print "  fab test svnxlib"
    print " For whole global media:"
    print "  fab test svnxmedia:"
    print " For global media file:"
    print "  fab test svnxmedia:javascript"
    print "  fab test svnxmedia:javascript/company/checklist.js"
    print "\nIf .js file in args like : fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,media/js/quote.js,,"
    print "It will bundle media itself"
    print "Restart test staging without params:\n  fab restart"
    for f in functions:
        print f
        print globals()[f].__doc__
        print "\n"

def accessguni():
    run("tail /var/log/myapp/access-%s.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def accessgunilive():
    run("tail -f /var/log/myapp/access-%s.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def errorguni():
    run("tail /var/log/myapp/error-%s.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def errorgunilive():
    run("tail -f /var/log/myapp/error.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def hostname():
    run('uname -a')

def uptime():


fabric execution::::: fab -H me@host1,me@host2,me@host3 function

Example: fab -H get_backup

or alternatively:

Example: fab production1 deploy but then you'll have to production1 defined inside your
def production():

 def development():

local - execute a local command means host from which we launch fabric

run - execute a remote command on all specified hosts, user-level permissions

sudo - sudo a command on the remote server)

put - copy over a local file to a remote destination)

get - download a file from the remote server)

prompt - prompt user with text and return the input (like raw_input))

reboot - reboot the remote system, disconnect, and wait for wait seconds)

Download some logs

get(remote_path="/tmp/log_extracts.tar.gz", local_path="/logs/new_log.tar.gz")