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Kubernetes cluster on laptop motherboards


Persistent storage with NFS

Build the cheapest i7 16GB RAM nodes kubernetes cluster. I always wanted to build my own k8s cluster, but couldnt see some "budget" 3-4 nodes option to go for -yes there are a lot of attempts of building kubernetes like

  • raspberry pi which are not x86 compatible so you wont run a lot of docker images there

  • some tv hdmi sticks - they are quite good but cpus are quite weak.

So one day my laptops broke it was i7 with 16gb RAM it was something with the port to lcd display I have replaced the motherboard and doing so I had the old spare but kida headless without display well hdmi output still worked). Also when buying I have discovered there are sold for 100 quid (coming from some after leasing refurbished laptops) so in the end it's the cheapes k8s cluster in which you can have nodes with i7 16GB RAM.


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