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Zabbix stack with docker-compose.yml

Fully working zabbix server solution with UI and database in seconds

I wanted to install zabbix server quickly with docker but amount of zabbix images (created by zabbix) on dockerhub just overwhelmed me. To set up running zabbix server we need 3 images * choice of sql DB * zabbix-web - web interface * zabbix-server - main zabbix process responsible for polling and trapping data and sending notifications to users.

My choice of database was MySQL so I created docker-compose file to have full stack of running zabbix server:

Notice(you may want to use alpine versions for production env) docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'

    image: mysql:latest
    restart: always
      - '3336'
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'my_secret_password'
      MYSQL_USER: 'zabbixuser'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'zabbixpass'
      MYSQL_ROOT_HOST: '%'
      - 'mysql_data_dir:/var/lib/mysql'

    image: zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql
      - "db:mysql"
      - "postfix:postfix"
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'my_secret_password'
      MYSQL_USER: 'zabbixuser'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'zabbixpass'
      DB_SERVER_HOST: 'mysql'

    image: zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql
      - '7777:80'
      - "db:mysql"
      - "zabbix-server:zabbix-server"
      - "postfix:postfix"
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'secret'
      MYSQL_USER: 'zabbixuser'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'myzabbixpass'
      DB_SERVER_HOST: 'mysql'
      ZBX_SERVER_HOST: "zabbix-server"
      PHP_TZ: "Europe/London"
    image: catatnight/postfix
    hostname: support
      - smtp_user=admin:password
      - "25:25"
    #  - "465:465"
    #  - "587:587"
      - "25"
    #  - "465"
    #  - "587"
      - /etc/nginx/ssl/postfix:/etc/postfix/certs
      - /etc/nginx/ssl/postfix:/etc/opendkim/domainkeys
    driver: local

      #- ./deployment/config_files/
    #  - backend
    #entrypoint: /

The above solution is just enough to start zabbix server up and running in couple seconds. To run it just put yml file into some directory (directory is important as volume created for mysql will have this dir name as prefix) volumes are usually stored in /var/lib/docker/volumes and run:

sudo docker-compose up

Thats it!!! You now have your zabbix running on port 7777

So what happened here docker-compose up has build and runned 3 containers by running zabbix container it discovered there are no tables in mysql and has built them.

Now you just need to add agents/servers you want to monitor. Check out adding agent in separate post [here]

Versions: (versions I've used in this example Feb 2018):

Docker-compose: 1.17.0, build ac53b73 Docker: 17.09.1-ce, build 19e2cf6 Kernel: 4.13.0-36-generic

GIT commants I've found useful

Check files changed between branches

git diff --name-status master..devel

Check changes on file form different branch/commit

git diff commit_hash -- filename

Same as above between 2 branches/commits

git diff commit_hash master -- filename

Check full file history

git log -p -- filename

Check who broke production server :

git blame filename

Merge as one commit (need to commit afterwards) its not default like in normal merge:

git merge --squash branch

List of commits in git local storage

git reflog

Take(checkout) file from different branch/commit

git checkout develop -- filename
git checkout commit_hash -- filename

Reset current branch to remote:

git reset --hard origin/current_branch
git reset --hard origin/master

Save and depracate changes which were not commited

git stash
git stash save -a

Restore stash (by picking selected)

git stash list
git stash pop {0}

fabric - auto deployment script

Recently I wrote fabric deployment scrip maybe someone will find it usefull.

It enables possibility to run "group execute" task with

fab live_servers pull restart

or single host

fab live1 pull

All we need to do is to define group or sinle host as function afterwards I used end update decorator.

I know there could be also something like duplication of tasks with separate servers fab live1 pull live2 pull but I believe that fabric was written for distributed systems which has different paths of apps and users etc.

also roledefs with extra dict keys didn't work for me)? I want to keep this simple single/multiple host deployment commands like : fab live_servers pull, fab test pull

from fabric.api import run, env, local, get, cd
from fabric.tasks import execute
import inspect
import sys
import os
import re
from StringIO import StringIO

# fabfile author: Grzegorz Stencel
# usage:
# run: fab help for examples
# fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,, restart
# fab test svnxlib

    'live': 'master',
    'sit': 'sit',
    'uat': 'uat',

    'local': {
        'envname': 'local',
        'user': 'greg',
        'host': 'localhost',
        'host_string': 'localhost',
        'path': os.environ.get('SITE_ROOT', '/opt/myapp/test'),
        'www_root': 'http://localhost:8081/',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'test': {
        'envname': 'test',
        'user': 'root',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/var/www/myapp/test/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'uat': {
        'envname': 'uat',
        'user': 'myapp',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'key_filename': 'deploy/keys/id_rsa',
        'path': '/opt/myapp/uat/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'sit': {
        'envname': 'sit',
        'user': 'myapp',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'key_filename': 'deploy/keys/id_rsa',
        'path': '/opt/myapp/sit/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'live': {
        'envname': 'live',
        'user': 'myapp',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/opt/myapp/live/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'live2': {
        'envname': 'live2',
        'user': 'root',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/var/www/myapp/live/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2
    'live3': {
        'envname': 'live3',
        'user': 'root',
        'host': '',
        'host_string': '',
        'path': '/var/www/myapp/live/',
        'www_root': '',
        'retries_before_killing': 3,
        'retry_sleep': 2


LIVE_HOSTS = ['live', 'live2', 'live3']

def list_hosts():
    Lists available myapp hosts
    print " Single hosts(if you want to pull from svn only to one of them):"
    print '   %s' % '\n   '.join([a for a in SERVERS])
    print " Multiple hosts"
    print '   live (which contains %s)' % ','.join([a for a in LIVE_HOSTS])

def test():
    single host definition , "fab test restart" wil restart this one host


def localhost():
    single host definition , "fab test restart" wil restart this one host


def uat():
    single host definition , "fab uat restart" wil restart this single host


def sit():
    single host


def live():
    multiple grcompany of hosts - running: "fab live restart" will restart all live servers

    env['hosts'] = [SERVERS[a]['host'] for a in LIVE_HOSTS]

    # env.update(dict(SERVERS['staging']))

def env_update(func):
    Decorator - needs to be added to each task in fabricfile - for multiple host task execution

    def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not len(env.hosts):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
            env.update(dict(SERVERS[filter(lambda x: SERVERS[x]['host'] ==, MyApp_SERVERS)[0]]))
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    return func_wrapper

def bundle_media():
    bundles media like css and js to one file.
        fab test bundle_media
    # export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings
    #run("cd {0} && source settings/{1} && python scripts/".format(env.path,env.envname))
   run("source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/ && workon {0} && python scripts/".format("%s-myapp" % env.envname if env.envname<> 'live' else 'MyApp-test')) #change live venv to be live-MyApp

def _valid_branch(env):
    branch = run("cd {0} && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD".format(env.path))
    return branch == SERVER_BRANCHES[env.envname] and not env.envname=='local'

def pull(*args, **kwargs):
    if _valid_branch(env):
        with cd(env.path):
            run("git fetch origin")
            run("git reset --hard origin/%s" % branch)
        print "Error : Server is checked out to wrong branch!!!"

            #run('git fetch --quiet')
            #run('git fetch --tags --quiet')

def reload():
    Reload specified servers - kills unused gunicorn workers but waits workers with old code to finish processing.


    #if env.envname in ('uat', 'staging', 'live'):
    f = StringIO()
    get("/opt/myapp/%s/pid" % env.envname,f)
    pid ='\d+',f.getvalue()).group()
    run("ps aux | grep gunicorn | grep %s | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % env.envname)
    run("kill -HUP %s" % pid)

def restart():
    Hard restarts specified servers

    run("ps aux | grep gunicorn | grep %s | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % env.envname)
    run("supervisorctl stop myapp-%s && supervisorctl start MyApp-%s" % (env.envname,env.envname))
    run("ps aux | grep gunicorn | grep %s | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % env.envname)

def help():
    fabric_functions = ['run', 'execute', 'local', 'func_wrapper']
    functions = set([obj.__name__ if obj.__name__ not in fabric_functions else '' for name, obj in
                     inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]) if inspect.isfunction(obj)])
    print "usage: \n  fab [host/grcompany of hosts] [commands] (optional command with arguments command:kwarg=val,arg1,arg2,arg3)"
    print "\navailable servers:"
    print "\ncommands:\n  %s" % ', '.join([a for a in functions])
    print "\nexamples:\n  staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,, restart"
    print "  fab test restart"
    print "  fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,lib/,,"
    print "  fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,lib/ restart"
    print "  fab test build"
    print "  fab test bundle_media restart"
    print " For svnx whole app (comma in the end):"
    print "  fab test svnxapp:app=medrep,"
    print " For global lib:"
    print "  fab test svnxlib"
    print " For whole global media:"
    print "  fab test svnxmedia:"
    print " For global media file:"
    print "  fab test svnxmedia:javascript"
    print "  fab test svnxmedia:javascript/company/checklist.js"
    print "\nIf .js file in args like : fab staging svnxapp:app=holdings_and_quotes,media/js/quote.js,,"
    print "It will bundle media itself"
    print "Restart test staging without params:\n  fab restart"
    for f in functions:
        print f
        print globals()[f].__doc__
        print "\n"

def accessguni():
    run("tail /var/log/myapp/access-%s.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def accessgunilive():
    run("tail -f /var/log/myapp/access-%s.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def errorguni():
    run("tail /var/log/myapp/error-%s.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def errorgunilive():
    run("tail -f /var/log/myapp/error.log" % env.envname.upper() )

def hostname():
    run('uname -a')

def uptime():


Tempted by post on official google admins blog it's about higher ranking when having https. So I have recently bought cheap ssl certificate from known issuer COMODO and upgraded my server with it but it caused several problems when I redirected from 80 to 443 some 3rd party apps (like userena for django) created loops but I found solution quickly it was to put USERENA_USE_HTTPS=True in but it still sends more forgot password mails than it should but it's different story.

Comming back to point if you are experiencing error "sec_error_unknown_issuer" in firefox after implementing COMODO Positive-SSL certificate this solution may help you. Don't know exactly but I read that it has something to do with chain certificates they should be bundled inside you website certificate. And remember you have to do it in right order because first one should be your servers certificate cause it's signed with key) and nginx or whatever you use may have problems after reloading service.

My command for bundling was:

cat exerceo_pl.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > exerceo_pl.bundled.crt after that I had just to point my nginx.conf to new bundled certificate. And after all reaload of nginx fixed my unknow issuer firefox problem.

xrandr tips

adding resolution 1)generate mode cvt 2560 1440 60 ➜ blog git:(website) ✗ cvt 2560 1440 60 # 2560x1440 59.96 Hz (CVT 3.69M9) hsync: 89.52 kHz; pclk: 312.25 MHz Modeline "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync

2)add it to xrandr sudo xrandr --newmode "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync setting resolution

3)sudo xrandr --addmode VGA-0 "1680x1050_60.00"

xrandr -q xrandr --verbose

xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 2560x1440

irst generate a "modeline" by using cvt Syntax is: cvt width height refreshrate

cvt 1680 1050 60 this gives you:

# 1680x1050 59.95 Hz (CVT 1.76MA) hsync: 65.29 kHz; pclk: 146.25 MHz Modeline "1680x1050_60.00" 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync Now tell this to xrandr:

sudo xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00" 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -

First clone the two screens, (the smaller screen will display the top left portion of the virtual screen)

xrandr --output VGA --auto --right-of LVDS

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 --rate 75

xrandr --output LVDS --auto

xrandr --output LVDS --off --output HDMI-0 --auto

xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60

#Laptop right extra Monitor Left

xrandr --output VGA1 --left-of LVDS1

#Laptop left extra Monitor right

xrandr --output LVDS1 --left-of VGA1

#This is to set your primary monitor.

#This sets your laptop monitor as your primary monitor.

xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary

#This sets your VGA monitor as your primary monitor.

xrandr --output VGA1 --primary

xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60

xrandr --pos <x>x<y>

$ xrandr --left-of <output>

$ xrandr --right-of <output>

$ xrandr --above <output>

$ xrandr --below <output>

Option '-pos' is more flexible which can place output to anywhere, for example:

$ xrandr --output VGA1 --pos 200x200 $ xrandr --output LVDS1 --pos 400x500

xrandr -o right

Django Display choices defined in models in template

example: Having model:

    (1 , 'Male'),
    (0 , 'Female'),

class Profile(UserenaBaseProfile):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100,null=True,blank=True)
    surname = models.CharField(max_length=100,null=True,blank=True)
    sex = models.NullBooleanField(blank=True,null=True,choices=GENDER)
    born = models.DateTimeField(blank=True,null=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return str(

we can display Male or Female choice value in template by:
