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I used to execute a lot of commands with & at the end. But once I used plowshare and it didnt work because & works until you wont log out .So my solution (I know I could use nohup :) ) was screen. Screen is the best tool admin can use when working remotely. It can be usefull when you're in place with big packet loss and you often lost connection so when you're restoring database you should be in screen session because when something will disconnect you you can alwas log in and connect to screen session in which restoring is taking place.

So executing

$./ &

will be only running when your session is still active so when you'll logout it will be killed.

To run it independent from your presence on server do it with nohup:

$ nohup ./ &

To launch screen :

$ screen

Best practice is to launch screen with its name :

$ screen -S my_own_screen_name
Then if you want detach screen to get back later Ctrlad If you want terminate screen just Ctrld or exit

then you can resume it with:

$ screen -r my_own_screen_name

To list all available screens :

$ screen -ls

To attach to already attached screen:

$ screen -x my_own_screen_name

To attach to attached screen and detach others:

$ screen -r -d my_own_screen_name

To rename existing screen:

(being attached): Ctrla:sessionname my_screen_nameEnter

Easy admin joke

When I first got admin access ages ago on shared server I wanted to do something funny to my coleague so I thought to display something on his screen.

Remembering everything in Linux filesystem is a file or a directory I read about pseudoterminals "pts" they are inside /dev directory

Yea yea I know 3 rules of admin : Respect the privacy of others. Think before you type. With great power comes great responsibility bla bla bla ...

To do this joke just check who is logged in and on which pts is he :

$ who
greg     pts/3        2012-03-10 1:26 (:0)
mark     pts/5        2012-03-10 10:29 (:0)
jenny    pts/7        2012-03-10 13:06 (:0)

So now, we know that Mark is working on pts/5 so lets send him message :)

$ echo "In 5 minutes in toilet /Jenny" > /dev/pts/5

To "clean evidences" :D ( remember that guy working on this terminal will lost his current works he's working on this specific terminal)

$ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/pts/5


MySQL tips:

Create database with charset utf8

CREATE DATABASE mynew_db_name CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Grant everything to local user on all tables

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_name.* TO my_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'my_secret_password';

Grant everything to remote user on all tables

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON  db_name.* TO my_user@'IP_of_host_user_connects_from' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_secret_password';

If you want to add only SELECT or something else instead of ALL there are other available privileges like:


After all you want to reload privileges because when mysqld starts, it reads all grant table contents into memory. The in-memory tables become effective for access control at that point. To tell the server to reload the grant tables, perform a flush-privileges operation.

Execute sql :


or you can even do it from shell by

$ mysqladmin flush-privileges


$ mysqladmin reload


Quick tip:

I started with MySQL db (not speaking of Delphi ADO or something like this ) Now because of my job I had to switch to Postgres and I thought "ok but it's SQL so it will be the same" - not really I had a lot of problems like in the beginning like user privileges owners of databases and tables, showing tables , showing databases So if youre switchng from mysql it can help you for beginning:

So first problem was my user access - I couldnt access postgres even through root :) so after clean installation if you want to launch psql client for postgres just su as postgres after that you can create your own super user or user having privileges to specific database

$ su postgres
$ psql

and then you should be able to do everything

To see databases "show databases;" didn't work anymore :) in postgres


connect to database:

\c db_name

show tables; in database:


Explain or describe table:

\d+ table_name

Show all shortcuts:



To dump database to sql script with inserts etc use pg_dump remember (it wont dump user privileges):

pg_dump my_database > my_database.pgdump

The better way of dumping database is pg_dumpall it dumps database users and groups, tablespaces, access permissions that apply to databases as a whole.

pg_dumpall > my_dump.pgdump

If you want to move your users of postgres to different server you can:

pg_dumpall --roles-only > my_users.pgdump


TO simply restore backup pgdump sql file :

psql < my_database.pgdump

Access Privileges:

Another way is about accessing postgresql if you worked with mysql you could just provide : grant all privileges on db to user_name@localhost or user_name@'' here it's not the same. Privileges can be configured in low level pg_hba.conf file where you provide who(sys user) who(db_user) where_from . Adding user in postgres:

Create user:

create user my_name with password 'secret';

change owner of db:

alter database mydatabase  owner to new_owner_name;

change owner of tables:

REASSIGN OWNED BY old_role TO new_role

rename db

alter  database production rename to production_delete;

Drone - Aerial photos

DJI Phantom 2 + Zenmuse gimbal h3-3d + Gopro Hero Black 3+

Kensington Gardens 09.06.2014

Cameraman : DJI Phantom 2

Camera: Zenmuse gimbal h3-3d + Gopro Hero Black 3+

In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.

Kensington gardens and curious dog

In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.

Sunny River Thames

In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.

Kensington Gardens

In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.

River Thames

In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.
In order to use the media directive, you must install the "micawber" Python package.

Ar drone 2 with stock HD camera



Stupid drone chooses freedom

Kensington park London

Drone attacked by birds


Bash / ZSH Terminal productivity


ctrlu clear whole line
ctrlk clear everything after curson
ctrlw clear everything before curson
ctrla set cursor at the beginning (home)
ctrle set cursor at the end (end)
ctrly undo last clear or repeat after second hit
ctrll clears screen
ctrlr search in you history commands type twice to select next candidate
ESCt Swap the last two words before the cursor
Altf Move cursor every word forward
Altb Move cursoor every word backward
ctrl_ Undo the last change


Last time I wanted to buy new Samsung Galaxy S 5 I liked blue one but there was no preorder option on giffgaff website (it was cheapest there) so to notify me I wrote a bot in pycurl and placed job in cron to send me an email when ot will be in stock.

Cut of sourcefragment from giffgaff webpage:

<form id="frmBuyPhone" action="/samsung/samsung-galaxy-s5/phone-plans" method="post" data-color-memory-mapping='

The bot looks like this :

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pycurl
import sys
import cStringIO
import re
import os
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
ch = pycurl.Curl()
ch.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 0)
ch.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, buf.write)
ch.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEJAR, 'Ocookie.txt')
ch.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT,"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; BTRS122288; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.3)")
def get_products(url):
     ch.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
     newdata = buf.getvalue()
     newdata ="data-color-memory-mapping.*", newdata).group()
     newdata ="blue.*", newdata).group()
     newdata = re.findall("stock.:([0-9]{0,2})", newdata)
     newdata = newdata[0]
     if int(newdata) == 0:
         print "not in stock"
         os.system("echo 'in stock  %s' | /usr/sbin/sendmail" % newdata)
         print "in stock"

and added job to crontab to check every 5 minutes

*/5 * * * * /workspace/projects/checkbot/

Quick vi / vim tutorial

This site is written to promote using VIM cause it's free, it has a lot of plugins and it can even be python IDE ;) and vi is also on every unix like system so logging to your clean instalation server it's good to know how to edit conf files.

If you don't want to read more on this site just have a look at basic commands which will be enough to edit and save file:

Remember all this commands should be executed within normal mode to do so press ESC.

:q QUIT (being in normal mode to be sure you can always use ESC :q) most important command remember it to avaoid being character from famous "VIM quit joke" how to generate cat /dev/urandom:
:q! quit without saving
:wq - save and quit
yy - copy line
p - paste line
i - insert mode after that you're no longer in normal mode you can than start typig text
h j k l - left down up right or you can use arrows in vim
you can also find undo u nad redo ctrlr useful

I was inspired by Onjin when I saw him typing in vim I was impressed of how his thoughts became text and functions in VIM so fast without even using a mouse :).

It takes a while to switch from another editor and get its habits (it took one month for me and I tried 3 times) but after all you will be happy using lightweight VIM.

To use vim you need to know that there are five modes (normal, insert, visual, select, command-line, Ex-mode)

There are 4 main modes you'll be using probably:

  • Normal - usually VIm starts in this mode where you can navigate through whole file and modify text. To get to this mode press ESC.

  • Insert : this mode is like it says - for inserting new text you can go to this mode by pressing i or a (being in normal mode ESC)

  • Visual : you can select text in this mode by pressing v (being in normal mode ESC) and moving for selection

  • Command-line : you activate it by pressing : (being in normal mode ESC)

Tip: Capital letters like A need to followed by Shift

Editing (enter commands below being in normal mode):

i - enter insert mode and place cursor at current position to start typing


I - enter insert mode and place cursor at start of the line to start typing


a - enter insert mode and place cursor after current position\ to start typing


A - enter insert mode and place cursor at the end of line to start typing


ea - append at end of word


r - replace a single character (does not use insert mode)

J - join line below to the current one


cc - change (replace) an entire line

cw - change (replace) to the end of word

c$ - change (replace) to the end of line

s - delete character at cursor and subsitute text

S - delete line at cursor and substitute text (same as cc)

d$ orD - delete after cursorxp - transpose two letters (delete and paste, technically)

u - undo

Ctrl r - redo

. - repeat last command

ESC - exit insert mode



:s/\n/ /g - replace all spaces with enter in current line
:%s/\n/ /g -replace all spaces with enter in all lines
:%s/\n/ /cg - replace all spaces with enter in all lines but with confirmation


v then select block you want indent and press number of indedations2> - execute indentation on the selected block

Marking text (visual mode)

v - mark lines with starting visual mode

d - (after starting selection with v ) cut selected text

y - (after starting selection with v ) copy (yank) selected text

p - (after cutting or copying selection) paste selected text after cursor

P - (after cutting or copying selection) paste selected text before cursor example of all 4 commands above:


V - start Linewise visual mode


o - move to other end of marked area


Ctrlv - start visual block mode

O - move to Other corner of block


aw - mark a word (being in visual mode)


ab - a () block (with braces) (or vab from normal mode)


aB - a {} block (with brackets)


ib - inner () block

iB - inner {} block

> - shift right

< - shift left

y - yank (copy) marked text

d - delete marked text

~ - switch case


Ctrlww - swith between windows

Ctrl w - move cursor up a window example using ctr ww and ctr w arrows in example before switching windows ESC was pressed to enter normal mode:


ctrl w + - increase size of current window

ctrlw- - decrease size of current window


ctrlw\_ - maximize current window

ctrlw= - make all equal size


10ctrlw+ - increase window size by 10 lines

:vsplit file - vertical split

:sview - same as split, but readonly

:hide - close current window

:only - keep only this window open

:ls - show current buffers

:b 2 - open buffer #2 in this window


w - next word by punctation


W - next word by spaces


b - back word by punctation

B - back word by spaces

e - end word by punctation

E - end word by spaces

h - move left

j - move down

k - move up

l - move right

^ - first non-blank character of line

) - zero) start of line

$ - end of line

G - Go To command (prefix with number 4j moves down 4 lines.

Operations on file:

:e - open file in new buffer

:w - write file to disk - save

:w filename save as

ZZ - write file to disk and quit like :wq

:wq - save file and quit

:n - edit a new file

:n! - edit new file without saving current changes

:q! - quit without changes

:q - quit editing file

:e . - directory explorer

:split - filename - split window and load another file

:sview file - same as split, but readonly

Split window:

CtrlWs - horizontal splitting
CtrlWv - for vertical splitting
Ctrlwq - close window

Split window: repeat insert in blockview ctrlv - select block then I -text ESC

Macros - recording